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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Trimmed the tree tonight. I always enjoy doing that. I buy some shortbread cookies. Don and I drink tea or eggnog and Catie drinks hot chocolate. We put Christmas music on and then look at all the ornaments we have collected over the years
I started collecting ornaments for each of the kids when they were babies. I would get one for each year. So that when they grew up and were on their own with families of their own they would have some ornament to start with that had some sentimental value to them. This year Jeni got married and I packed up her ornaments and will be sending them to her and Jamey.

This is a picture of Jeni and Jamey on their wedding day.

This is what the tree looked like when we were done. The big tree is the family tree. The little tree to the left is Catie's tree and the small tree on the right is my tree, which I shared with Don this year, so it was our tree. :o)

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