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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spinning Wheel

I bought a spinning wheel this week and I have already made a skein of yarn. It's about 116 yds. It looks pretty good. The first skein I spun is the purplish one. The one I did on the new spinning wheel is multi-colored .

My peonies have been blooming. The white ones bloomed first. Then the red, dark pink and the light pink ones are the last. As you can see the white ones had a red/dark pink center. They were very pretty.

We went sailing on Mother's Day at Caryle Lake. The wind was light and it was a nice peaceful time. Catie was a little bored. Don liked it and he wants to take lessons. I would like to too, but I think that if only one of us takes lessons the he/she can teach the other to sail. Don is also looking at boats on line for sale.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hey All,
Let's try this again. I am having a heck of a time with this blog. It seems that my server is having difficulties with this site.
It has been raining here the past few days. Althought it isn't very fun with the rain and storms it is good for the garden. Everything has sprouted and looking very good. Don put a cage around the tomatoes and peppers. Something was nibbleing on them. I think it was deer but Don thinks it was rabbits. I really don't know how the bunnies we have aroun

I have been working on a new design for my jewerly. I am not really please with what I came up with but I can work from it. I want to put some color on it. Maybe some seed beads or delicas. I'm really not sure at this point.
d here could jump three feet off the ground to the garden to do that, but hey I guess anything is possible.

I finished the earrings for Catie's friend. She wanted blue so I put some blue beads on it.

I have asked one of my friends is she can help me at the Pagan Picnic this year. I will be on vacation visiting my son Jon when it is going on. I asked her if she could sell some of the jewerly I have made at her booth. I haven't heard from her yet. I really don't know what she will say. It doesn't hurt to ask. The worst she can say is no.
I met someone at a meeting I went to recently. She was an independent marketing agent. She told me that she would help me with marketing my jewerly. All she wanted in return was trade. I should have known better. I emailed her and the address she gave me came back undelivedable. One of my friends told me that she was a headhunter from another group. Sigh....
I am going to a spinning get together at Trish's house tonight. She is one of the ladies I went to the sheep festival with. Bridgette is giving her a personel class at Trish's house. Trish invited me to join them. So I am going to have a great time tonight spinning some of the roving I got at the festival.