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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Spinning Wheel

I bought a spinning wheel this week and I have already made a skein of yarn. It's about 116 yds. It looks pretty good. The first skein I spun is the purplish one. The one I did on the new spinning wheel is multi-colored .

My peonies have been blooming. The white ones bloomed first. Then the red, dark pink and the light pink ones are the last. As you can see the white ones had a red/dark pink center. They were very pretty.

We went sailing on Mother's Day at Caryle Lake. The wind was light and it was a nice peaceful time. Catie was a little bored. Don liked it and he wants to take lessons. I would like to too, but I think that if only one of us takes lessons the he/she can teach the other to sail. Don is also looking at boats on line for sale.

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