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Monday, July 12, 2010

Today started out with me, waking up to itchy legs. Friday I went to a friends house and we sat out on her patio. Unknown to me, I was eating up by bugs. I really didn't feel them on Saturday, but Sunday night they started itching and this morning it was terrible. I don't have any skin left on my shins.

I found a picture from my visit to Washington that I like. Actualy I copied it off of my daughter-in-laws facebook photo album. This is just after we were finished eating at the resturant that Don and Jon shot the oysters. It was right by a marina with lots of sailboats.

I got my first commission for a piece of jewerly last week. I am excited. It's for a good friend so I really want it to be good. She wants me to make earrings like the egypitain spiral bracelet I made. It will be a bit tricky but I think I can do it.

I am working on a tubular herringbone necklace. I am going to make it about 20 inches in length. It is silver with a three small lines of blue winding around it. Very pretty. You really can't see it clearly in the picture.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth

Happy Fourth of July!

Today is beautiful. The sun is not too hot and there is a slight breeze. I have some pictures of my garden. It's really growing. I found some June Bugs on my basil. I didn't want to put chemical pesticides on it so I looked on line for a more natural one. I found a lot of receipes for several repelleants. I just didn't have all of the ingredients. So I improvised. The receipe I settled on called for rubbing alcohol, chayanne pepper and dish soap. I used instead vodka, chili powders and dish soap. I haven't seen a June Bug since I used it.

My basil seems to be taking off. Both plants have almost taken over the whole herb section of the garden. I have sweet basil and cinninamin basil. The cinnamin basil is really good with roast. I have a lavender plant but it doesn't seem to be doing very well. I have been told that lavender doesn't like humidity very well.

Don's cucumbers were really overgrowing. He hadn't put up the lines for them to climb up. So they were really everywhere. When he put the lines up we had a heck of a time separating the cucumbers and the greenbeans.

The carrots are getting big, but we are not quite sure when to pick them. You can see the carrot unter the greens on some but not on others.

We went to a Cardnials game last Monday. We went with a group of Don's co-workers. We took the Redbird Express. The Redbird Express is a bus that takes you to the game. You can board the bus at the mall just down the road from where we live. The bus was really nice. We have taken our car to the game and have also taken the Metro-link. The bus is by far the best way.